

Do you want to provide compassionate care to your animal patients while cultivating 与动物主人关系密切? F&M的兽医预科课程有一个 legacy of preparing students for successful careers in 兽医.


兽医预科课程是通过F&M的健康专业咨询作为补充 到你选择的专业. While you’ll declare your major at the end of your sophomore year, your pre-vet experience will begin the moment you step on campus.

作为一名兽医预科学生, you’ll work with the Director of Health Professions Advising throughout your time 在F&M. Y你会喜欢的。ersonalized guidance on recommended courses to take and specialized programming, resources, and more to help you develop the skills and experiences you’ll need to be a competitive 申请人在 兽医. Whether you are looking for a summer internship, deciding when to apply to veterinary school, or trying to select which school to attend, the F&M的健康专业咨询 陪你走过每一步吗.

个性化的指导 & 研讨会

作为一名兽医预科学生,你将与 Marissa Sheaf, m.s.S.Ed.卫生专业咨询主任,在F&M. 玛丽莎在拜访期间提供一对一的建议 hours and appointments, enabling you to get personalized guidance on the prerequisites for veterinary schools, how to become a competitive applicant, and more. 她还 creates and oversees experiential learning programs where you can gain clinical experience 并帮助你与该领域的校友建立联系. 此外,玛丽莎提出了 numerous topics and holds workshops throughout the year designed to provide insight 探索不同的医疗保健职业.


Immerse yourself in the day-to-day life of 兽医 prior to entering the 场. Marissa Sheaf, m.s.S.Ed.卫生专业咨询主任, creates and oversees experiential learning programs through which you can gain clinical experience 并帮助你与该领域的校友建立联系. 许多兽医预科学生参与其中 in a number of shadowing and hands-on experiences including:
  • 在兽医医院实习的机会
  • 在人道联盟和其他动物收容所做志愿者
  • Volunteering at facilities that care for horses, new foals, and other baby animals
  • Interning with wildlife sanctuaries or rehabilitation hospitals


每个F的学生&M有非凡的机会 从事独立或教师主导的研究. F&M是为数不多的文理学院之一 植物园, a major advantage for pre-vet students to work directly with animals on a research 或者以志愿者为基础. F .兽医预科学生&M也可以申请资金支持 他们的校外研究项目.


Clubs and organizations offer a fun and exciting way to get involved while supplementing 你的学术经历. The 预审核俱乐部 offers programming throughout the academic 年,包括:
  • Sessions with admission officers at veterinary schools such as University of Pennsylvania 和塔夫茨大学
  • 研讨会 on becoming a competitive applicant for veterinary school
  • 旅行和见习机会
  • 接待当地兽医和F&M校友在校园讨论他们的经历 在田间工作
F&M Health Professions Advising also partners with the 预审核俱乐部 to coordinate 去附近的动物园和动物保护区.


If you plan to attend veterinary school after graduating from F&M,你需要 参加研究生入学考试. 在卫生专业人员的帮助下 Advising team, you can prepare for this exam with customized study and preparation strategies and through test preparation resources, including an official practice 来自教育考试服务中心的考试.


Thanks to the depth and breadth of our pre-vet program, our graduates are distinctly 准备在兽医领域取得成功. 许多人在毕业后继续上医学院&M 在开始职业生涯之前. 


他们的个性化学习和实践经验F&M提供给他们一个优势 in getting admitted into some of the nation’s top programs, including:

  • 康奈尔大学兽医学院
  • 宾夕法尼亚大学兽医学院
  • 塔夫茨大学卡明斯兽医学院
  • 佛罗里达大学兽医学院
  • 明尼苏达大学兽医学院 
  • 田纳西大学兽医学院 
  • 普渡大学兽医学院


许多F&M校友已成为兽医领域的领军人物. 他们持有这样的立场 as:

  • 动物管理员
  • 畜牧技术员
  • 小动物兽医
  • 兽医
  • 兽医外科助理
  • 兽医技术员


“课程 for my animal behavior major absolutely transformed the way I think 关于动物,动物福利和保护.”

23岁的萨拉·多伦知道她想和动物一起工作. 有一次她开始上课 in animal behavior, she discovered her passion for animal enrichment. “课程 for my animal behavior major absolutely transformed the way I think about animals, 动物福利和保护,”她说. 今天,Dollen的工作是动物护理 technician at City Wildlife, a wildlife rehabilitation center in Washington, D.C. She said she uses the skills she gained from working as the enrichment team leader 在F&M's 植物园, including how to effectively design, implement, and continually improve enrichment that keeps animals in captivity happy and healthy as well as how 带领团队提供高标准的动物护理. “我感激不尽 for my experiences in college that led me to do work that I am so deeply passionate 多伦说.



“I have learned a great deal about handling animals, information about the animals 他们自己,还有更多.”

Owls, hawks, skunks, deer, raccoons, ducklings, opossums, groundhogs, squirrels — Bri Thomas '24 spent a summer surrounded by wildlife as a wildlife care intern with 位于美国北卡罗来纳州伯灵顿的伍德福德雪松林野生动物保护区.J. “我学到了很多东西 about handling animals, information about the animals 他们自己,还有更多," 她说. "The experience I've gained from being at Cedar Run has made me more compelled to acquire additional opportunities that will offer me diverse experience both before 在上了兽医学校之后."




行为是所有生物共有的属性. 它看起来像什么,意味着什么 ——在动物身上? 在F&M, you’ll study the variation of animal behavior through powerful, 实践训练与各种各样的动物.

畜牧业 & 灵长类动物训练(证书)

Certificates are supplemental educational pathways you can pursue 在F&M. 每个证书 explores new and innovative 场s 的研究 through the lens of two or more 场s 的研究. 畜牧业 & 灵长类动物训练证书培养你的能力 to care for animals professionally as well as to reflect on your experiences as an 人类与自然世界关系的要素.


The biological sciences expand and advance frontiers of knowledge about all forms 的生活. From molecules to ecosystems, from oceans to deserts, from the distant past to present day, biology gives you insights into other species, ourselves, and our 世界.


卫生专业咨询是通过F&M的职业和专业中心 发展. The Career Center cultivates professional development experiences that embolden students and alumni to design and navigate fulfilling careers with courage 和好奇心.
