Research at F&M

Are there theories or questions you’re eager to investigate? You can at F&M. The cornerstone 在我们的教育经历中,学生与教师并肩工作和学习 who want to help you test ideas — not just talk or read about them.

Investigate, Explore, Uncover

而大多数本科院校为学生保留研究机会 in their graduate programs, we want you to engage now — not later. At F&M, you’ll 寻找宝贵的机会,将理论转化为实践,享受实践经验 in and out of the classroom. You may even see your name in print, with your work earning you a research publication (or two!). 

“I knew a lot of people did research at F&M, but I didn’t think I would be one of those people. Now I can’t imagine not doing it.”

——Georgia May '25,她完成了机器人儿童互动和学习的研究.

“这个研究项目——也只是在一所文理学院——已经开放了 这些不同的机会之窗去探索这些不同的兴趣 I didn't think I would have the chance to do otherwise.”

——劳伦·陈(Lauren Chen, 23岁),她完成了一项关于COVID-19及其对成人影响的研究 英语学习者未来对在线英语课程的兴趣.


Curious How Research at F&M Works?

这些经历通常由教师领导或通过独立的学生完成 study.


Faculty-Led Research

我们的教师都是从事开创性工作的有成就的学者 their fields of expertise. They not only bring their vast wells of knowledge and passion 每天都去教室,但他们也为你提供了非凡的机会 加入他们的研究项目,让你在他们的研究项目上留下自己的印记 years-long endeavors. 

Research in Your Courses

Many professors weave their ongoing research into their coursework. This means that 作为课堂作业的一部分,你和你的同学将参与研究. 你在这个项目中的工作将在学期结束时结束 is complete. 

Research Outside of the Classroom

你可能会发现教授在你的课程之外提供研究机会. 这意味着你将在自己的时间从事这项研究,尽管你可以申请 to receive academic credit for the experience. These opportunities may take place 整个学年或作为我们的暑期研究学者计划的一部分.

Summer Research Scholars

A centerpiece of faculty and student joint research at F&M is the Summer Research 该项目部分资金来自校友威廉·哈克曼(William Hackman)创建的捐赠基金 of the Class of 1939, and his wife, Lucille. The program involves 80 to 100 students 每年夏天与校园里的50多名教职员工并肩工作 跨越自然科学、人文科学、社会科学和科学的创新项目 the arts

5到10周的密集研究可以集中注意力在一个问题上 有时还会在同行评议的期刊上共同发表文章 or other professional output. Some students have had as many as six co-authored publications from their F&M research; others have seen their research incorporated into public history walking tours or constructed as historic costumes.

Independent Studies

Do you have a theory you can’t wait to test out? Or a burning question you need to investigate? 或者你想写一本小说,制作一个剧本,或创作一个作品 of music. You can do all of these for academic credit! These independent studies originate with and are led by you in close collaboration with a faculty member. They’re usually 在你的大三或大四完成,如果你的项目被批准,你可以 apply for grants to help fund your research or project.

F&M Student Research in Action

September 13, 2024

A Day in the Life: Summer Research at F&M

“F&M的小班教学非常适合我与老师交流,充分利用我的学习经验,” says junior Aayat Tahir, 她暑假在校园里做有机化学研究实验室助理.

August 21, 2024

Beyond the Mat: James Conway ’25 Balances Academics & Athletics

This past spring, senior James Conway became the first F&M student to earn the NCAA Elite 90 Award in any sport. 几个月后,这位大学摔跤手作为暑期哈克曼奖学金获得者在实验室忙着工作.

August 19, 2024

History Detective Digs into the Past

When Sofia Portillo arrived at Franklin & 在冰球突破正规网站,主修历史并不是她考虑的科目,直到她上了一门课. Then she found her passion.