L&AD: Academics


F&M将以独特的教育方式吸引有巨大成就和潜力的学生 true to the values of the liberal arts. That education will enable them to seize transformative opportunities in life, career, and responsible citizenship. We will revitalize our 更好地回应和引导学生不断变化的需求、目标和兴趣的课程; 重点是更具包容性的教学和学习,并致力于科学 and humanistic inquiry.

Objectives & Activities

  1. 支持每一个学生的智力探索和学业上的成功 to develop accessible and inclusive ways of teaching; enhancing and personalizing methods of advising and academic support; and creating more flexible, navigable, and individualized educational pathways throughout the curriculum.

    1. 实施培训、技术和其他资源,以确保教与学 are inclusive and accessible.

    2. Establish an F&M learning hub, co-locating academic support services where possible.

    3. Enhance student support using the resources in place more effectively.

    4. 调查当前之外提供学术规划的可行性 学年日历,帮助学生恢复或加速他们的进步,以毕业.

    5. 使学生能够更容易地定制他们的学习课程和补充他们的 具有跨学科证书和体验式学习机会的专业 (e.g., community-based learning, internships and practicums). 

  2. 培养一个以文科为基础的全面和可访问的课程 响应学生的学术兴趣和研究生的意图和提供 在这三个领域整合知识和创造力的创新机会 divisions of the college.

    1. 进行全面的课程审查,重新设想通识教育; 确保系内课程和跨学科项目的所有组成部分 of the College’s liberal arts education are available to interested students.

    2. 实施定期、一致和负责任的学术项目审查过程 that supports continuous renewal and updating of F&M’s academic portfolio, while respecting tenure and academic freedom.

    3. 促进多样性,公平和包容性的课程,通过一个深刻的知识 engagement with language, culture, history, and social processes and structures.

    4. 通过联合专业,鼓励部门之间的合作; special studies majors and interdisciplinary certificates.

    5. 修订现有的体制政策,建立更加强健和灵活的基础设施 支持和发展跨学科项目,团队教学机会 faculty and professional staff, and other cross-curricular innovation.

    6. 在课程修订和计划中参与共享治理结构 检讨,并提供培训和支持教师和专业人员的发展 more nimble processes for leading institutional change.

  3. 支持和关注那些学生需求很高的学术课程 都有可能吸引未来的学生,并对社会需求做出反应 addressing the world’s most pressing social, environmental, and political issues.

    1. 以现有的关注政府、公共政策和公共事务的中心为基础, 广泛的解释,并制定补充课程,包括可能的研究生 degree, in ways that recognize the importance of multi-disciplinary perspectives. Emphasize democratic innovation, citizenship, leadership, and public service.

    2. 巩固当前的创业和创造力、创新和 design, and strengthen the interdisciplinary nature of such programs.

    3. 探索由促进大学商学院协会认证 (AACSB)为我们的商业、组织和社会计划(BOS)提供支持 BOS program’s commitment to a liberal arts curriculum.

    4. 建立一个数据科学项目,将分析技能和鉴赏能力结合起来 of the human impact and ethical ramifications of data use.

    5. 扩大公共卫生项目,并寻求教育委员会的认可 for Public Health (CEPH).

    6. 继续探索符合学生兴趣的新项目,提高学生的学习能力 overall strength of our curriculum and contribute to recruitment and retention. Such 新项目可以通过与其他机构的合作协议来实现 and should not add materially to expenses.

    7. 保留并扩大课程与计画的国际化,以示认可 of the challenges and opportunities of an increasingly interconnected world.

    8. Accelerate planning and development efforts for a new science building.

    9. 改善对医学预科课程的支持和建议,重新吸引学生感兴趣 the health professions, and ensure equitable access to these

    10. 收集、综合和使用有关学业和毕业后意向的数据 未来和现在的学生,以及毕业生,以更好地评估能力 of the curriculum to respond to students’ expectations.

  4. 建立在现有的优势,在学生和教师合作的本科研究 让每个学生都有机会参与至少一次合作 以及每年在F&M. Such opportunities include service learning, leadership development, student-faculty 合作奖学金、创意项目、人文实验室、出国留学、 travel courses, internships and community engagement projects.

    1. 将兰开斯特持续接触中心与威尔研究所的工作联系起来 公民参与和其他从事社区活动的办公室和项目.

    2. Offer relevant training for faculty in community-engaged research and pedagogies.

    3. 为学生和教师参与体验式学习寻求额外的支持.

  5. 扩大机会,消除障碍,增加对研究、奖学金、 and creative activity for students and faculty.

    1. 创建流程,以识别和解决阻碍奖学金成功的制度障碍.

    2. 为试点项目和初步调查创造资金,可能导致 external funding.

    3. Enhance support for grant management.

    4. 鼓励“团队”模式,以包容师生研究,奖学金和 creative activity to increase impact.

    5. 推进和庆祝前沿倡议和合作,搭建桥梁 across disciplines.