
教师奖励超过2美元.最近拨款6300万美元 & 奖学金

正如富兰克林 & 马歇尔大学的学生在暑假期间喘口气,这很重要 to celebrate members of the faculty 和 professional staff who create an enriching 全年的学术环境. 

This semester, more than $2,630,627 in grant 和 fellowship opportunities was awarded to faculty across 各部门, with many award announcements still pending. 教职员工在国内和全球都得到了认可 for their contributions 到一系列学术领域. 

Grants 和 fellowships awarded “are a testament to the quality of the College faculty 和 the caliber of the research they do,” said Rene Munoz, director of the office 赞助的研究. 

下面的列表列出了2024年开始的奖助金活动. 要查看完整的列表 有关教职员工出版物,请访问 庆祝奖学金 存档. 该汇编包括来自61名教职员工的作品 26个部门、项目和单位. 

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安娜莉莎Crannell——卡米·L. 比阿特丽斯. 克雷茨数学教授,被选为富布赖特Academics U.S. 2024-2025学年巴拿马Academics. 除了追求两个 research topics, Crannell will work with the Panamanian Foundation for the Promotion of Mathematics (FUNDAPROMAT), a nonprofit foundation affiliated with Panama's Ciudad del Saber(西班牙语,知识之城)基金会. 

Biko Koenig他是政府助理教授 & 公共政策,被任命为研究员 罗格斯大学员工所有权和利润分享研究所. Koenig was also awarded a grant from the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation for research of comparative success rates of entrepreneurial support organizations (ESOs) in small 业务发展.

尼克·克罗尔, associate professor 和 department chair of philosophy, has been named a 2024 Media 马克·桑德斯基金会会员.

斯科特·勒纳, 亚瑟 和 Katherine Shadek Professor of Humanities 和 French 和 Italian, received a $21,551 grant from the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to support teaching the 意大利语言.

约翰•现代 亚瑟 & Katherine Shadek Professor of Religious Studies, received a $60,000 fellowship 来自国家人文基金会. 现代将用资金来完成 "的 Book of Akron," a book focused on the transition between two technological eras 在美国历史上.

克罗尔 现代 received a grant from the Luce Foundation to establish the “Institute of the Mechanical 环绕,”物理家到 中间的机器  和 related projects that involve a mixture of public humanities, music 和 art.

阿米莉亚Rauser学院高级副院长查尔斯. 达纳艺术史教授, has been awarded a month-long 美国 Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ASECS) 费城图书馆公司的奖学金. 她还获得了一个月的奖金 fellowship at the Lewis Walpole Library, a research center for 18th century studies 隶属于耶鲁大学. 

废止Suhail, assistant professor of anthropology, has been awarded a $20,000 fellowship from the 美国 巴基斯坦研究所/ Council of 美国 Overseas 研究 Centers (CAORC) to conduct research among the 巴基斯坦的俾路支人.

SherAli Tareen, associate professor 和 department chair of religious studies, has been awarded 普林斯顿高等研究院的奖学金. 塔琳是第三个 获得国家认可的奖学金的积极教员. 

莎拉塔斯克他是化学助理教授, received a $514,388 National Sciences Foundation CAREER grant to support ongoing development of new gas-releasing molecules to improve 安全及在实验室接触活性气体的途径. 查看全文

瑞安•特她曾被选为美国富布赖特大学的物理学副教授.S. 智利Academics. to conduct research aimed at characterizing the chemical evolution of the universe. As part of the fellowship, he will teach a class in astroinformatics at the University 智利.

克里斯蒂娜·韦弗数学教授, 收到了詹姆斯P. 克劳福德杰出教学奖.

杰森·威利·威尔逊, assistant professor of computer science, received a $505,358 National Science Foundation CAREER grant to support his project, “Transparent 的ory of Mind Algorithms for Social 帮助幼儿的机器人.威尔逊还得到了埃文斯-科根夫妇的支持 Fund to develop a workshop on how to embed machine ethics materials in classes across 课程. 

Wei-Ting日元他是政府助理教授, has been selected into the Public Intellectual 美中关系全国委员会项目主任.

F&M戏剧系 & 跳舞 获得了男孩们颁发的社区伙伴奖 & 兰开斯特女孩俱乐部 他们每周的戏剧社工作.

F&M received a $39,330 grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Education to combat 性侵犯和暴力. 山姆三十, director of care coordination 和 violence prevention, will lead this project. 查看全文. 

F&M是仅有的10所文理学院之一,被任命为新的1美元接受者.4 百万美元的人文学科基金,由安德鲁W. 梅隆基金会. 埃里克·赫希他是环境研究助理教授 玛丽·安·莱文, professor 和 chair of anthropology, are the first faculty leaders of this project. 查看全文

的 following faculty members received funding awards from the Evans-Cogan Endowed 策略性措施学术事务基金:

  • 亚历克西斯Castor他是古典文学助理教授
  • 伊丽莎白·德·桑托副教授,环境研究项目主席
  • 马可·迪·朱利奥他是希伯来语言文学副教授
  • 巴勃罗Jenik他是生物学副教授和副系主任
  • 南希Kurl和, professor of organization studies, department chair of business, organizations 和 社会

的 following faculty members received funding awards from the Humanities 研究 基金: 

  • 瑞秋Anderson-Rabern, associate professor 的剧院, theatre program co-director, 和 department chair 的剧院 & 跳舞
  • 马可·迪·朱利奥, 希伯来语言文学副教授
  • 格雷琴迈耶斯负责战略计划的副院长 & 古典学教授
  • 安妮Stachura, teaching professor of Spanish 和 coordinator of community-based learning at F&M
  • 马克Villegas他是美国研究副教授

的 following faculty members received a $10,000 Pittsburgh Conference Memorial National College Grant to purchase chemistry laboratory equipment available for use 学生和教师:

  • 肯·克雷布斯他是物理学副教授
  • Lionetti大卫。他是化学助理教授
  • 凯特·布特就他是化学系教授兼系主任 

的 following faculty members received funding from the Steinman Foundation to purchase 与切萨皮克流域倡议有关的研究设备;

  • 帕特里克·弗莱明他是经济学和公共政策副教授
  • 多萝西梅里兹哈利·W. & 玛丽B. 赫夫纳格尔地球科学教授
  • 罗伯特·鲍勃·沃尔特, Dr. 伯爵D. 阶段 & 玛丽E. 地球科学特聘教授,地球系系主任 & 环境
  • 克里斯托弗•威廉姆斯他是环境科学教授

的 following faculty members received a $60,000 grant from Supporting Higher Education 难民安置(SHERR):

  • 苏珊Dicklitch-Nelson,政府学教授 
  • Giovanna Faleschini Lerner, 意大利语教授,比较文学研究项目主席
  • Zeshan Ismat,地球科学教授,国际研究项目主席
  • 苏Mennicke负责国际事务的副院长 
  • 丽莎•沃尔夫他是威尔公民参与研究所所长



的 Board of Trustees unanimously endorsed the recommendations of the Professional 标准委员会和教务长,授予四个F&教授的终身职位和晋升 副教授,另有6人晋升为正教授.



This fall, a total of $1,145,060 in grant opportunities was awarded to faculty across 各部门. 教职员工在国内和全球都得到了认可 表彰他们对一系列学术领域的贡献.



F&M is one of just 10 liberal arts colleges to be named a new recipient of a Humanities 由安德鲁W. 梅隆基金会.



的 Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) program offers the NSF’s most prestigious 支持早期职业教师的奖项.





“F&M’s small class size was perfect for me to engage with my teachers 和 make the most of my learning experience,大三学生阿亚特·塔希尔说, 她暑假在校园里做有机化学研究实验室助理.



Senior Fatimata Ly spent six weeks in the nation’s capital as part of the Charles B. 兰格尔国际事务暑期充实计划. “作为一个有抱负的美国人.S. 外交事务官员, this program offers an excellent opportunity to gain relevant experience 和 education in the field,Ly说.


超越垫:詹姆斯·康威的25平衡学术 & 体育运动

去年春天,高三学生詹姆斯·康威(James Conway)成为首位F&M学生在任何体育项目中获得NCAA精英90奖. Months later, the varsity wrestler is busy at work in the laboratory as a summer Hackman Scholar.