About Cognitive Science

Our Program and Courses

Cognitive science is a major within F&M’s Scientific and Philosophical Studies of 思维程序. 通过哲学、计算机科学、心理学的混合视角, 生物学,以及更多,你将探索思想如何适应自然世界. 你会搜索 寻找诸如“意识的基础是什么”等问题的答案? 心灵是如何 and mental abilities develop as we mature? Can other animals — or even computers or 机器人——思考? You’ll build a perspective of cognitive science partly informed by 道德心理学,架起科学与人文学科的桥梁,揭示其内在运作 心灵和实现比任何单一学科更深层次的理解 alone could provide. 

By the time you graduate, you will have acquired: 

  • An understanding of the major theories in cognitive science
  • 由认知科学和 moral psychology
  • 对涉及的方法和观点的复杂性的理解 studying the nature and function of the mind
  • 构建、评价和批判哲学论证和论述的能力
  • 科学研究的技能,包括形成研究问题、收集问题的能力 data, and analyze and interpret results
  • The ability to think, write, and speak clearly and logically

Wondering what a course in cognitive science is like? Explore our course catalog to 探索认知科学课程如何跨越科学和人文学科.

Our Faculty and 工作人员



Scientific and Philosophical Studies of Mind


Elena C . Cuffari

Assistant Professor of 心理学 & Scientific Philosophical Studies of Mind

Scientific and Philosophical Studies of Mind



以利亚E. Kresge Professor of 哲学, Program Chair of Scientific & Philosophical Studies of Mind (SPM)

Scientific and Philosophical Studies of Mind



Associate Professor of 心理学 & Scientific and Philosophical Studies of Mind

Biological Foundations of Behavior; Scientific and Philosophical Studies of Mind


Stephan A Kaufer


Scientific and Philosophical Studies of Mind



Associate Professor of 哲学

Scientific and Philosophical Studies of Mind



亚瑟 & Katherine Shadek Professor of Religious Studies

Science, Technology and Society; Scientific and Philosophical Studies of Mind



Professor of 心理学

Scientific and Philosophical Studies of Mind



Associate Professor of 心理学 & 心理科学与哲学研究,心理学系系主任

Scientific and Philosophical Studies of Mind


Kelly E Schenke报道

Academic Department Coordinator

哲学; Scientific and Philosophical Studies of Mind


Learning Outside the Classroom

在认知科学领域,你会发现一种新的教师,充满活力和活力 通过混合前沿学术研究领域,讨论和研究. 当他们把他们丰富的知识和专业知识带到课堂上时,他们也 致力于帮助您发现研究和出国留学的机会 your skills in critical thinking and philosophical analysis. 

研究 Opportunities

A staple of your academic experience 在F&M is the extraordinary opportunity to engage in 研究 and independent study. 你会发现加入教授研究项目的绝佳机会, 让你在多年的努力中留下自己的足迹.
Explore 研究 在F&M

Off-Campus Study

Off-campus study, in the U.S. and internationally, is encouraged. Cognitive science majors have studied in Australia, New Zealand, and Ireland. They have also embarked 在匈牙利学习认知科学,在匈牙利学习儿童发展 丹麦.
Learn more about off-campus study 在F&M

Success Beyond F&M

What happens after you graduate with a degree in cognitive science? The distinct mixture 通过学习认知科学获得科学和人文技能&M — 包括批判性和创造性思维,数据和理论的分析和解释, 以及沟通、写作、辩论和倾听的能力——帮助你发展有用的 以及无论你是否进入研究生院都非常有价值的生产技能 or beginning your chosen career.


An Interest in the Mind Leads to Studying Human-AI Interaction

When she arrived 在F&M, Raluca Rilla ’23 was most interested in the mind. “我是 非常渴望学习语言和认知,但我不完全确定如何接近 my questions,” she said. During her first semester, Rilla was inspired by connections 她发现了跨学科的东西,并决定用双重视角来融合自己的观点 majoring in cognitive science and psychology. “我是 determined to maintain the same 跨学科为我的未来提供的创造力和开放性 academic and professional pursuits,” she said. Today, Rilla is pursuing a master’s 在德国波茨坦大学获得认知系统学位. “没有 training and mentorship that I received 在F&M, I would not have been as well equipped to study human-AI interaction,” she said. “I am certain that the critical thinking skills that I developed 在F&M will be indispensable for navigating artificial intelligence 研究.”



“现在我想不出比多学科研究更好的方法了 approach of cognitive science.”

安娜斯塔西娅·格里戈廖娃(Anastasiia Grigoreva)是该学院2020年威廉姆森奖章(Williamson Medal)的获得者 most prestigious award for student achievement. She graudated summa cum laude with a major in cognitive science and a minor in philosophy. "I do think I have always been interested in the study of the human mind; I just did not have the conceptual tools to engage with it until I got to F&M," Grigoreva said. "Now I can’t conceive 没有比多学科方法更好的方法来进行这项研究 of cognitive science."


Related 研究领域

Computer Science

随着技术的发展和我们对计算机化系统的理解的增加,计算机 science has become more advanced. 在F&M, you’ll explore this ever-changing field, 学习现代计算机科学的数学基础,获得技术和知识 编程技能,并理解如何将理论付诸实践.


学会清晰而创造性地思考重大问题:意义的本质, morality, justice, art, the mind, knowledge, language, and reality. By studying philosophy 在F&你会在寻找理解的同时发现如何重视理由 for an answer as much as the answer itself.


踏上心灵之旅,了解我们为什么要做我们所做的事情. 从 非人类动物行为对语言发展和神经损伤的影响,你的 time spent studying psychology 在F&M will unlock a whole new world of understanding of how the brain works.

Cognitive Science in Action


Success Beyond F&M: An Interest in the Mind Leads to Studying Human-AI Interaction

23岁的罗露卡·瑞拉(Raluca Rilla)是佛罗里达大学认知科学和心理学双学位学生&M,正在德国波茨坦大学攻读认知系统硕士学位. “没有 training and mentorship that I received 在F&如果是这样,我就不会有这么好的条件来研究人类与人工智能的互动。.


Child-Robot 研究 Merges 心理学 and Technology


December 10, 2015

Your Brain: The Great Connector

亚里士多德曾经说过:“整体大于部分之和。.当他分享他在神经科学方面的开创性研究时,富兰克林 & 冰球突破正规网站的教授指出,大脑的功能与这个公理密切相关. "Any cognitive function takes many parts of the brain, 大脑的任何部分都可以参与许多不同的认知功能," Michael Anderson told a well-attended Dec. 10 Common Hour, F&M's weekly community discussion.