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Campus Access Policy

Rules, Rights & Responsibilities for Campus Access

Franklin & Marshall College encourages the participation of the broader community in a range of campus activities, but asks members of the public to recognize that F&M is a private institution and its grounds are designated for members of the College community, consisting of students, faculty and staff. The principal campus and other F&M-owned properties are not public facilities, though the College seeks to respond to community needs and the needs of the general public by sharing its resources and facilities when appropriate and possible. In every case, the College must protect the central educational purpose for which it was established and must conserve its resources, both physical and financial. F&M must also be concerned for the safety of all members of the College community.

Unless specifically designated as "open to the public," all Franklin & Marshall College meetings, activities and events on campus are considered to be limited to participation by members of the campus community. Please check the College's calendar to determine whether an event is "open to the public." Some events may require advance registration.

The College reserves the right to determine who may enter its property and reserves the right to refuse entry to any individual. The College further reserves the right to restrict the entry and presence of any individual or group on campus and to impose specific limitations or conditions related to the entry or presence of any individual or group on campus.

While on campus, any individual attending an event designated as "open to the public" must adhere to all College rules of conduct, all rules and conditions proscribed for that event, and state and federal law. Members of the general public who are authorized to attend public events may enter campus for the sole purpose of attending the event and should traverse the campus directly to and from the building or location of the event.

Members of the public are not authorized to enter any building other than the building where the event is scheduled to occur. Members of the general public must not interfere with, accost or disrupt any member of the College community while on campus.

In instances in which the College makes any of its facilities available for use by any external group or organization, the group or organization may impose additional limits and restrictions upon attendance at the events it sponsors. The College shall have no liability or responsibility for actions of such parties.

Policy Maintained by: Office of Communications, Vice President for Communications
Last Reviewed: 8 June 2023