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Phased Retirement Policy for Faculty

分阶段退休政策允许符合条件的全职,终身教职员工 选择减少教学责任,为完全退休做准备 from the College. The typical teaching obligation of a faculty member participating in the Phased Retirement Program is three courses per year.


符合以下标准的教师有资格参加 the Phased Retirement Program:

  1. classified as full-time, benefits-eligible members of the faculty,

  2. tenured,

  3. are at least age 59-1/2 when the Phased Retirement period begins,

  4. 没有参加教师退休前休假计划, and

  5. 在富兰克林公司连续全职工作至少15年 & 马歇尔大学40岁以后的教职人员,但以下列出的那些教职人员除外 employed by the College on 12/31/2012:

    1. 在1957年12月31日前出生的教职员,必须连续完成至少10个学位 50岁后全职工作年数(完全退休时为60岁或以上).

    2. 出生于1958年1月1日至1962年12月31日之间的教师必须至少完成 40岁以后连续15年全职大学工作,或连续10年 years of full-time service after age 50, whichever occurs first.

在分阶段退休期之前的最后一年全职工作不能 除非获得批准,否则必须休年假或休假一年 the Provost has been obtained. Faculty members under a Phased Retirement Agreement are not eligible for sabbatical leaves.

Phased Retirement Agreement

An irrevocable Phased Retirement Agreement 必须不迟于最后一个学期前一年的4月15日完成 year of full-time employment.

Phased Retirement Period

分期退休的最长期限为连续三个学年. In exceptional 如遇特殊情况,教职员工可在三年的分阶段退休期间离职 期间,经所属院系及学院同意,进一步协商 his/her teaching load.


参加分阶段退休计划时,工资为每年1美元 每门课程的基本工资的百分之二十(20%),或低于 normal circumstances, 60% of full base salary. Faculty members under a Phased Retirement 协议有资格获得基于平均值的按比例的年薪增长 increment given all faculty in rank.

Benefits During Phased Retirement

Health & Prescription Coverage, Vision Coverage and Dental Coverage-在完全退休之前,参加分阶段退休计划的教员 项目继续有资格按照标准的大学政策,并且 pay the same premiums offered to active, full-time employees.

Such coverage is discontinued upon full retirement. However, the retired faculty member 可以选择通过“COBRA”暂时继续承保,一般最多可达18个月。. To review health benefits available to retirees of the college, visit the Retiree Benefit webpage.

Flexible Spending Accounts Plan—在分阶段退休期间,教师可以继续参加 in the Flexible Spending Accounts Plan. Eligibility to participate is discontinued 退休后,虽然退休人员可以选择继续参加 医疗费用报销账户到日历年年底,通过 "COBRA".

Life Insurance ——在分期退休期间,人寿保险和意外死亡 & Dismemberment coverage will be equal to 1.5 times actual (reduced) salary, up to a maximum coverage level of $100,000. Phased Retirement participants 是否可以购买一份个人保险来弥补被取消的保险金额. 为此,分期退休计划的参与者必须与人寿保险公司联系 在人寿保险承保范围减少后的31个日历日内. Upon 全额退休金,人寿保险将相当于保险金额的25% 如果没有参加分阶段计划,在退休前会有多少钱 Retirement Program.

Long-term Disability ——长期残疾计划的保障将继续,支付金额不变 in the event of total disability equal to 60% of the faculty member's actual (reduced) base monthly salary immediately preceding the disability. Per standard College policies, long-term disability coverage is discontinued at full retirement.

Retirement Plan ——学院将代表教师缴纳正常的退休金 member, based on actual (reduced) base monthly salary received during the Phased Retirement period. Phased 退休参加者可选择性地向退休计划作出税前供款 Plan through salary reduction.

参加分阶段退休计划的至少年满年龄的教员 60人可能会开始收到分配——来自他们自己的捐款和学院 供款-在完全退休前从他们的退休帐户中提取,如果他们选择的话. 分阶段退休计划的参与者也可以将部分或全部退休金滚转 account balance during the Phased Retirement period.

在完全退休后,退休储蓄可以提取,转到个人 退休帐户(IRA),或留在学院的退休计划投资,主题 to federal regulations and standard Plan provisions.

Education Benefits ——继续参加分阶段退休计划的教师 有资格获得教育援助福利,包括向符合条件的人提供的福利 dependents, per standard College policies.

Outside Employment

而根据阶段性退休协议,教师可以接受外部就业 up to 40% of full-time.

Faculty Status

这个分阶段退休计划的参与者将继续是活跃的教师 members, with a full vote in faculty meetings. However, faculty members under this 协议将没有资格担任系主任或担任其他学术 positions that require full-time service.

Full Retirement

根据分阶段退休协议的教员必须完全从学院退休 at the end of the Phased Retirement period. The College will rely on this in planning for its academic staffing, including the employment of additional faculty. A faculty 成员可在分阶段退休期结束前退休,提供一份 year's notice to the Office of the Provost.

对分阶段退休计划有兴趣的教员, 和那些希望启动分阶段退休协议的人,请与办公室联系 of the Provost.

学院可以修改、修改或终止本分阶段退休政策 at any time. Such amendment, modification, or termination will not affect faculty members who have already signed a Phased Retirement Agreement.


Policy Maintained by: Human Resources, Associate Vice President

Last Reviewed: July 25, 2016