
首页 / 大学政策 / 人力资源政策 / 离开政策 / 富兰克林 & 马歇尔-教员带薪病假政策


This 带薪病假 政策 provides a means for eligible full-time faculty members 因下列原因无法工作时,可继续领取下列薪金 真正的非职业疾病或伤害. 挣来的带薪病假也可以使用 by a faculty member who is unable to 工作 due to her pregnancy and/or following childbirth.


专任教师,其中专任访问教师人数大于 one-year appointment, are eligible for sick leave, with salary continuation, as outlined 下面.


Beginning with the first year of employment, a full-time faculty member is eligible for sick leave, with continuation of base salary, based on length of full-time 富兰克林 & 马歇尔服务,根据以下时间表:

全职服务年数                                                        以全额底薪休假

1年以下 4周(20个工作天)
1年但不到2年 8周(40个工作天)
2年但不到4年 10周(50个工作天)
4年但不到6年 16周(80个工作天)
6年但不到8年 21周(105个工作天)
8年或以上 26周(130个工作天)

When a faculty member has exhausted all his/her paid 病假, eligibility for days 在教师返回工作岗位后,是否按30天的速度恢复 自翌年7月1日起,每个财政年度以正常基本工资提供带薪假期.

的 maximum number of paid 病假 which may be accumulated is 130 or the equivalent 6个月.


就本带薪病假政策而言,教职员工将被视为 如果他/她接受直接护理和治疗,他/她是否有承保的医疗状况 有执照的医疗保健提供者证明该个人不能 perform the essential functions of his/her job, or an alternate position the College offers which the individual is otherwise capable of performing, due to non-occupational 疾病或伤害,包括身体或精神损伤.

带薪病假福利将不提供,由于选择性程序,如 不是为了诊断、治疗或矫正身体的整容手术 或者精神损伤.


  1. 通知系主任 & 教务长

    If a faculty member can不 工作 because of his/her illness or injury, including pregnancy-related 残疾,教职员工被要求通知他/她的系主任和 教务长. 教员必须在已知缺勤时尽可能提前通知 尽可能.

  2. 通知人力资源部

    When a member of the faculty is likely to be absent 4 or more 工作 days or is hospitalized, 个人必须在缺勤第一天或之前通知人力资源部. In 在这种情况下,教职员工可能有资格获得家庭补助金 & 病假. 教师 会员被要求在已知缺席的情况下尽可能提前通知.

  3. 提交健康证明表格

    A faculty member applying for sick leave must sign an authorization allowing his/her 医疗保健提供者向人力资源部门发布医疗信息 休假请求. 教员的医疗保健提供者必须完成一份“证明” “医生或保健从业人员”表格(可向人力资源部索取). 的 填妥的表格须交回人力资源部. 此表格必须填妥 无论何时,在延长病假开始前返回人力资源部 可能的. 人力资源部将提供申请所需的信息和表格 家庭 & 如适用,请病假. 工资延续可能会被延迟或拒绝 如果没有及时提供必要的文件.

    教职员工和/或治疗卫生保健提供者可能被要求提供 确定带薪病假资格所需的额外信息. 的 College reserves the right to require a faculty member to 下go an independent medical 检查和/或获得第二意见,费用由学院承担 在评估索赔过程中.

    In order to continue to be eligible for paid sick leave, a faculty member may be asked periodically to submit an up日期d Certification of Physician or Health Care Practitioner 给人力资源部的表格. 学院也可能要求教员接受 an independent medical evaluation, at the College's expense, to verify his/her continuing 不能工作. 如果雇员没有提交表格或没有接受 应人力资源要求进行独立医疗评估,继续发放薪金 在收到适当的文件之前是否可以终止.

    All medical information that a faculty member and his/her health care provider supply to support the claim for paid sick leave will be kept in the faculty member's confidential 医疗文件. 只有那些有业务需要的人才会收到有关的信息 员工缺席.

家庭 & 病假

工作之外的时间将被指定为家庭时间 & 教职员工请病假 根据学院的规定,有资格获得此类假期 家庭和医疗假政策. If a faculty member qualifies for both paid sick leave and 家庭 and 病假, 这两个好处将同时生效. 如果带薪病假用完,教师 每个家庭成员可能有资格获得额外的无薪休假 & 病假 政策. 人力资源部将提供申请家庭所需的信息和表格 & 如适用,请病假.


全职教职员工,请经批准的带薪病假/病假 medical condition will receive his/her regular base salary according to the schedule 以上. 已获批准的带薪病假的全职教员将继续 eligible for coverage 下 the College's fringe benefit plans, providing any applicable 按时支付员工保费. 主动雇员健康保险费 insurance coverage will be deducted from the faculty member's pay on a monthly basis.


之前 一名教员休了一段时间的长病假后返回工作岗位 12 工作 days), he/she must submit a 重返工作岗位 Certification Form that is completed 由他/她的主治医疗保健提供者提交给人力资源部. 这些文件是 还需要从休完病假返回的教员那里领取,这些教员被指定为家属 & 医疗 离开.

学院可能需要第二医学意见,费用由学院承担 individual will be able to safely and effectively perform all the essential functions 休假后的职位. 教员将被要求提供 在返回之前将第二次医疗意见的结果提交给人力资源部门 工作.

如果有教职工这么做 带薪延长病假后复工,经批准的最后一天带薪 extended sick leave will be considered the individual's termination 日期, unless the 雇员有资格获得家庭津贴下的额外假期 & 医疗休假法.


全职教师可以要求使用最多 12 每个会计年度的带薪病假从他/她分配的带薪病假中计算 to:

  • 照顾生病或受伤的符合条件的家庭成员,或

  • 将他/她的父母或姻亲或其他合资格的家庭成员转移到辅助家庭 生活设施.

For purposes of this policy, "eligible family members" include the faculty member's spouse or same-sex domestic partner; children and step or foster children who are age 18; mother, father, step or foster parent; mother-in-law, and father-in-law. 其他家庭成员,如兄弟姐妹或孙子,可能被认为是“合格的”。 如果教师必须定期照顾该家庭成员 (i.e. 家庭成员与教师同住或由教师服务 作为家庭成员的常规照顾者).


  • 一个教员可以使用到 较小的 : (a) 12 paid 病假, or (b) the number of paid 病假 the individual has available 从他/她分配的本财政年度带薪病假,以便 照顾生病的家庭成员.

  • Any paid 病假 used to care for an eligible family member who is ill will count against the faculty member's total allotment of paid 病假 (thereby reducing the number of paid days the faculty member has available to use due to his/her own illness).

  • A faculty member requesting to use his/her paid 病假 for family / eldercare purposes may be required to provide a "Certification of Physician or Health Care Practitioner" 给人力资源部的表格, documenting the need to care for the eligible family member. 此外,如果教师将缺席,则需要此表格 按学院规定工作4天或以上 家庭 & 病假政策.

  • 如学院聘用两名家庭成员,每名成员均可要求 每个财政年度最多使用12天带薪病假来照顾符合条件的家庭成员.

  • Paid sick leave, including leave to care for an eligible family member, will run concurrently 和家人在一起 & 教员有家属资格时请病假 & 医疗 离开.


  • Salary continuation 下 this 带薪病假 政策 is limited to amounts and periods 在任何情况下,带薪病假的福利都不会重复 来自学院的其他款项. 在任何情况下,所有可获得的福利都不会超过100% 雇员的基本工资. 基本工资或基本工资不包括所有额外工资 加班费:加班费、津贴、奖金或其他特殊报酬等补偿.

  • A faculty member may 不 use paid 病假 on any day(s) when Workers' Compensation 支付福利.

  • If a paid College holiday falls while a faculty member is on extended paid sick leave, the faculty member will receive holiday pay and will 不 be charged with the use of 带薪病假.

  • Salary continuation payments will be reduced by any amount payable from state or federal 残障基金(包括社会保障),或任何其他由 全部或部分由学院支付,该教员有资格领取或支付 如果他/她申请福利,他/她是否有资格获得.

  • 在任何期间,教职员工不得请长病假 没有在有执照的医生或其他医疗保健提供者的护理下.

  • 因受伤而产生的健康状况不适用于继续领取薪金 或雇员在犯下重罪期间染上疾病.

  • Salary continuation will 不 apply for any medical condition arising as a result of 战争:在掩护下发生的战争行为(宣布的或未宣布的.

  • No paid sick leave will be granted for any medical condition resulting from 工作 performed 为另一雇主赚取工资或利润.

  • Paid days may be used to cover intermittent absences from 工作 due to chronic conditions (如癌症和化疗治疗).

  • 资格 for paid sick leave ceases upon employment termination, including retirement. Upon employment termination (including retirement), payment is 不 made for any unused 病假.

  • For employees classified as "exempt" (those who do 不 complete time sheets) and who exhaust all paid 病假 and take unpaid time off 工作, only full-day absences will 根据联邦公平劳动标准法的要求,不支付工资.

  • 如果生病或受伤发生后,教职员工已发出通知 his/her intent to resign, the last actual 工作ing day will be considered the termination 日期. In no case will the termination 日期 be later than the original intended termination 日期. 带薪病假不得超过最后一个实际工作日. 为教师 对于终末期预约,在最后一天之后将不给予带薪病假 关于任命.

  • 教员请带薪病假期间不得从事其他工作 休假期间,除非事先得到学院批准.

  • 的 College reserves the right to deny the use of paid leave if proper 不ice or certification 不提供请假的必要条件.

