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富兰克林的专利政策 & 冰球突破正规网站
    1. The objective of the College patent policy is to facilitate the invention, transfer, and application of new technology that promises to be of benefit to the general public and, at the same time, to protect the interests of the inventor and the College. It 适用于富兰克林的所有员工和学生 & 冰球突破正规网站.

    2. Limitations exist with respect to the extent and manner in which the College, as a tax-exempt institution, may be involved in the exploitation of invention. 这项专利 policy is not to be interpreted or administered in a way that jeopardizes this tax-free 状态.

    3. Patent rights to inventions developed through individual initiative, not as part of the individual's responsibilities 作为大学雇员或学生, and with only incidental use of College facilities or resources, shall be owned by the inventor; any royalty income from the invention accrues to the inventor alone. 然而,如果是这样的话 an individual's 努力 in developing the invention or securing a patent on the invention is significantly assisted by the use of College facilities, resources, or personnel, the College shall be entitled to equal ownership with the inventor in the invention. The individual shall be obligated to sign all documents that are reasonably necessary to completely transfer all rights in and to the invention and any patents and/or patent 就这项发明向学院提出申请. 在后一种情况下,学院和 the inventor will normally share equally in any revenue from the invention, subject 至第12条.

    4. The College shall be the owner of inventions developed while carrying out one's responsibilities 作为大学雇员或学生. 个人有义务执行任何事情 instruments are reasonably necessary to evidence or perfect the vesting of such rights in and to the invention and any patents and patent applications thereon to the College. Any revenue from the invention will normally be divided equally by the College and 发明人,根据第12条的规定.

    5. The patent policy will be administered by the Provost of the College. 当一名员工 or student of the College reasonably believes that he/she has developed an invention which would be governed by Section 3 or 4 of this patent policy the inventor shall notify the 教务长办公室 within seven (7) days of such belief by submitting a properly executed 发明披露 to the 教务长办公室.

    6. Commentary: The 教务长办公室 will assist and implement this patent policy.

    7. Upon receipt of the 发明披露, the Provost shall convene the Patent Committee. This Patent Committee consists of three voting members—a person designated by the Provost, a person designated by the President of the College, and a person designated by the Vice President for Finance—and one non-voting member, the inventor or the inventor's 代表. 专利委员会应当审查并确定专利的权利 学院在发明上按照这一专利政策. 如果专利委员会 determines that the College has rights in the invention, the College shall have the 决定发明处置的独家权利. 关于是否的决定 the College has rights in the invention shall be transmitted in writing to the inventor as soon as possible but no longer than 180 days after the date of submission of the 发明披露. 当学院确定它没有权利在 这种权利属于发明者.

    8. If at any time, after the College exercises due diligence, the College determines it does not want 行使其权利 in the invention, the College may relinquish its rights in the invention by informing the inventor in writing of its decision not 行使其权利. 此时,发明的一切权利转移给发明者.

    9. When an invention is developed through a sponsored grant or contract, the provisions 必须以授予书或合同中的规定为准. 如无此种规定, 适用学院专利政策.

    10. Commentary: Federal law enacted in 1980 and amended in 1984 provides the institution with title to inventions made or conceived in the performance of federally sponsored 研究.

    11. Disputes concerning application of the patent policy shall be resolved by a review panel of three members: a 代表 of the inventor, the Vice President for Finance 学院院长和教务长.

    12. After determining that the College has rights in the invention, the Office of the Provost will assist with exploratory patent and marketing evaluations to determine whether the College is prepared to exercise its option to sponsor a technology transfer 努力.

    13. If the 教务长办公室 determines that the College wishes to sponsor development of the invention, it will open an account to which expenses associated with its subsequent 努力是有代价的. 该等费用将包括所有相关发票费用,如 as legal and patent filing fees, plus an allowance for the institutional 努力 involved 在专利准备、许可谈判等方面. 这个津贴将是百分之十 任何许可协议的总收入.

    14. Revenues received from the invention will first be used to recover expenses accumulated 在与发明的发展有关的叙述中. 后恢复 of expenses net revenues will be split 50% to the College and 50% to the inventor, 除非另有书面安排.

Policy Maintained by: The 教务长办公室, Associate Dean of the Faculty